League of Legends Easiest Top Laners

Are you ready to dive into the top lane island? I got your back.

In this post, I’ll go over the top 5 best and easiest top laners to help you dominate the top lane like a pro. Whether you’re new to League of Legends or want to expand your champion pool, these top laners will give you the advantage you need.

5. Dr. Mundo

Corporate Mundo

Dr. Mundo struggles a bit early game but becomes incredibly tough to kill as the game goes on. In team fights, he’s like a big wall, absorbing tons of damage and throwing Qs slowing the enemy team. 

Even when pushed back to his tower, he can farm safely. Enemies should think twice before trying to take him down, as his Ultimate heals him up fast. His Q ability helps him catch up to enemies or slow down enemies for his team.

4. Urgot

Giant Enemy Crabgot

Urgot is a very strong top laner, dominating opponents from levels 1 to 6 and maintaining his dominance throughout the laning phase. His kit gives great poke and tankiness, making it incredibly difficult for enemies to trade effectively during the early game.  Additionally, his ultimate ability, which fear champions, can turn fights around and secure team fight wins.

As a ranged physical damage fighter specializing in close combat, Urgot’s typical builds prioritize tankiness, enabling him to absorb significant damage in team fights while still possessing the ability to burst down opponents who come too close. With the right build, he can quickly clear waves and demolish turrets, applying a lot of pressure in side lanes. Urgot has a high skill cap which makes it fun to play.

3. Mordekaiser

Ashen Graveknight Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser is a very interesting Champion; he’s a stat checker. You don’t really need mechanics to play him.

He can split push and team fight, and he’s versatile enough to be played against bruisers or tanks. He might struggle against ranged champions, but even then, you can still probably do well with him. Overall, he’s a good pick for lower MMR games.

2. Malphite

Shamrock Malphite

Malphite is a great choice for new top laners because of his simplicity, lane strength, and effectiveness in team fights.

The thing with Malphite is you could be 0/10 and still be the reason why you’ve won the game, just because of one good ultimate. And they’re bound to happen with the amount of skirmishes and random stuff happening in lower MMR.

1. Garen

God King Garen

Garen’s kit is extremely straightforward, making him one of the easiest champions to learn in League of Legends. With no mana costs and simple abilities, he’s an excellent choice for beginners who want to focus on fundamentals such as wave management, last-hitting and trading.

I always recommend new players to play Garen, and that’s because he just kind of has everything you would want in a lower ELO Champion. Besides the aggression in the early game—where you’re not that aggressive and often lose most matchups—he compensates with excellent scaling and permanent sustain. With recent buffs to his W and itemization changes, Garen has become even more effective in lower ranks. Despite some considering him ‘boring’ to play, he’s actually quite fun to pull off. He offers easy CS averages due to his simple farming mechanics and permanent sustain in his kit. Garen’s natural sustain out of combat sets him apart in a game where sustain has become rarer.

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