Best Mid Laners to Escape Low Elo

If you aim to climb out of low ELO quickly as a midlaner, then this post is perfect for you. We will be discussing the top 7 best mid laners to escape low elo and achieve your goal. Please note that the ranking is important in this one, so the number one pick is considered the strongest champion.

7. Ahri

Spirit Blossom Ahri

Ahri, the versatile midlane champion, secures her position at number 7 due to her hybrid playstyle that combines the traits of a ranged assassin and control mage. Compared to melee assassins, Ahri has a solid laning phase with strong poke and wave clear. Her ultimate allows her to take advantage of opponents’ poor positioning and secure kills.

However, low ELO players often make the mistake of focusing too much on solo kills in lane, which can be challenging with Ahri’s skill-shot-reliant abilities. Instead, players should focus on wave clearing from level 3 onwards, allowing them to shove the wave and roam to other lanes for impactful engagements using Ahri’s ultimate.

Ahri requires higher mechanical skills compared to higher-ranked champions, which is why she ranks at number 7. Consistently landing her charm and skill shots can be challenging, but mastering her mechanics unlocks her full potential as a versatile and powerful mid lane pick.

6. Diana

Winterblessed Diana

Diana is similar to Ekko in many ways, but she’s easier to control. She has a strong laning phase and poke potential thanks to her Q, which also helps her clear waves. Her W provides both damage and a shield, which makes it hard to defeat 1v1.

What sets her apart is her E ability, which has an incredible range of 825. Although you need to land your Q to reset her E, you can often ignore this once you have an item or two. If you see a squishy opponent, you can just use E and R to burst them down with no counterplay.

However, her lack of escape ability is what keeps her from being ranked higher. Low ELO players may struggle with map awareness, and since Diana doesn’t have an easy escape spell, they often find themselves pushed up and ganked a lot.

5. Naafiri

Soul Fighter Naafiri

Naafiri is a safer and easier version of Diana, possessing a strong ranged poke and push ability in lane with her Q, which can heal her when landed on a bleeding target. She also has a point-and-click engage ability in her W, which scales to 940 once three points are in her ult.

Naafiri’s safety in lane is enhanced by her E dash, which helps her escape when caught out of position. Her pack mates provide her with guaranteed damage and assist in blocking enemy skill shots, making engaging easier.

Naafiri’s tankiness is one of her biggest strengths, as she receives a massive shield from her ult and a shield from Eclipse, making her more forgiving to play. However, she is not higher on the list due to her lack of ability to swing team fights, preferring outmaneuvering players and getting picks rather than straight-up team fighting.

4. Annie

Fright Night Annie

Annie is a powerful midlane champion with a straightforward kit that makes her easy to learn and powerful. She is the best champion to start with for new players in mid lane or League in general due to her ability to stun opponents and drop Tibbers. Annie’s ultimate has a deceptively high impact range of 850, making her a threatening champion.

To use her, sit at three stacks of passive and activate your E for movement speed bonus, which activates her ability to stun. Annie’s ultimate can turn team fights at any point, and Tibbers provides substantial damage without you having to actually land anything. Every time you E, it applies that damage to Tibbers, providing free damage even if your initial ult wasn’t super impactful.

One thing a lot of low ELO players don’t know is that you can actually control Tibbers by holding alt while right-clicking. So after you drop down Tibbers, it’s often best to hold alt and right-click on a squishy carry. Tibbers will either run them down and kill them by himself or simply zone them from the fight the entire time.

3. Talon

Enduring Sword Talon

Talon is the one champion on this list that would be considered a dedicated roamer. A roaming playstyle is one of the most effective in low ELO, as players often lack map awareness. For those unfamiliar with this style, you essentially constantly shove waves, pinning the enemy mid laner to their tower, and then time your roams off that push.

Other mid lane champions are also great at this, such as Taliyah and Katarina, but Talon is much easier to play while being just as powerful. A common mistake low ELO players make when picking up Talon is getting fed in the laning phase from their roaming but then feeling too weak in the mid to late game once grouping and team fighting occurs. This is due to Talon not having the most amazing team fighting; it’s not bad, but you often need to jump over walls and find good angles to set up your engage.

The trick to avoiding all this is that once the mid-game hits, you still want to push and roam but in a side lane instead. You would shove out a side lane, lure someone to pick up the wave, and then use your great mobility to roam and get a pick on the enemy. If you find the roaming playstyle appealing in mid lane, there’s no better pick in low ELO than Talon.

2. Fizz

Fisherman Fizz

Now we have our second strongest mid champion for low ELO, and it’s none other than the Tide Trickster, Fizz. If Talon wins by roaming, Fizz wins by just straight-up killing opponents over and over again.

Fizz is amazing in low ELO for several reasons. His mobility is very deceiving since his E ability has a 700 range, while his Q has 550. That means if an opponent is within the 1,250 range, you can actually engage on them.

And although you may be thinking, “Yeah, but doesn’t Fizz max his E? So if you use E to engage, won’t you have like no damage?” Well, that’s simply not the case. In Season 14, Lich Bane is a big enough power spike off one item that his Q and W, along with his ult, can 100 to 0 pretty much any champion without even landing the initial E. Then, once you really get snowballing, nothing but Q, W, and a Lich Bane proc will be enough to one-shot targets, no ult required.

One mistake most low ELO players make that you must avoid when playing Fizz is trying to fight at level one. You just have to give up CS and let the wave push to you levels 1 to 3. Then, once the wave crashes into your tower, you equalize in levels and can go aggressive while the enemy is overextended. This will then set you up to kill them once your cooldowns are back up.

1. Aurelion Sol

Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol

Finally, we have the number one pick, the Star Forger himself, Aurelion Sol. Here’s the thing: ever since Aurelion Sol got some big buffs at the start of Season 14, he’s been demolishing solo queue at every rank.

The reason why he’s the number one pick for low ELO, though, is because he has insane scaling. Unlike Syndra, who also scales, Aurelion Sol doesn’t have nearly as weak of an early game. In fact, he has a very safe laning phase. He has a deceptively high range with amazing wave clear, which makes it nearly impossible to shut down in lane. What this means is you’ll consistently be able to scale into that 1v9 hyper carry.

Aurelion Sol’s kit really has it all. He not only has amazing DPS with his Q, but his ult can also massively swing fights. His W is also great at both chasing and kiting enemies. So if you’re looking for a champion that can truly 1v9 carry bad teammates consistently, then look no further than Aurelion Sol.


The 10 BEST Mid Laners to ESCAPE LOW ELO in Season 14 – League of Legends
By Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides (Video on Youtube)

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