5 Easiest Junglers to Play

Looking to climb out of low ELO as a jungler? In this guide, we’re diving deep into the top 5 easiest junglers to play and climb within League of Legends. Whether you are a new player to the jungle role or looking for simple mechanical champions, these picks offer straightforward mechanics and a strong impact throughout the game. And don’t worry, if you’re concerned that a beginner Champion wouldn’t be good in this game don’t worry in League of Legends a champion being easy does not mean they’re any less strong than any other champion, in fact, it’s usually the opposite.

5. Nunu & Willump

Nunu & Willump Bot

Nunu shines in the jungle with exceptional ganking potential, strong objective control, and strong AOE lockdown. His passive boosts attack and movement speed, while his Q offers sustain and true damage, ideal for securing objectives. With his W, he rolls a snowball that grows in size, dealing damage and knocking up enemies upon impact. His E throws snowballs to slow enemies, setting them up for a root. Finally, his ultimate creates a zone that explodes, dealing massive damage.

In ganks, Nunu starts by channelling W, then follows up with E and auto attacks, finishing with Q and additional E’s for crowd control. Objectives are easily secured with Q’s true damage and smite combo. Early game, Nunu looks for level 3 ganks to capitalize on opponents’ vulnerability. As the game progresses, Nunu’s objective control and teamfight initiation become crucial for securing victories. In late game teamfights, Nunu engages with W, followed by E, root, and ultimate.

4. Nocturne

Eternum Nocturne

For Nocturne, his long, dark trail of Q is easy to hit, especially since his W gives him attack speed if he uses it to block something – which is great for anticipating incoming spells. His E is point-and-click, providing guaranteed CC, and with the movement speed buff, if you hit someone with that Q, Duskbringer, you’ll be able to follow them easily.

Nocturne has a semi-global presence with his ultimate, Paranoia, which brings darkness down upon everybody. However, like many straightforward champions, there are downsides. He’s somewhat ultimate-dependent for ganks, but he can skirmish very effectively. Being kited can be an issue, but with Stridebreaker, you have good entry points, and you’ll be fine.

Nocturne doesn’t really need to build squishy anymore, and items like Stridebreaker and Black Cleaver allow him to both deal damage and survive. He provides quick champion chasing power, CC, and can disorganize enemies. His ultimate is an absolute game-changer for split-pushing, team fights, and simply not letting people see anything while you destroy the enemy team.

3. Warwick

Prestige Winterblessed Warwick

If you want to play a jungler who can be more proactive in the early game with stronger gank power, Warwick is a phenomenal option. Warwick has always been a great beginner jungler, but he’s gotten even better for Season 14. There’s just so much durability and damage coming out of his meta build, which makes it the perfect setup for beginner junglers as you have more margin for error but are still a massive damage threat.

Executing ganks properly is one thing that may take you a bit of time to get used to on Warwick, as how you choose to use Q and E can heavily dictate whether you get a kill or not. Oftentimes, you want to lead with your E and try to fear the enemy away from their tower while saving Q for if the enemy flashes away or uses a dash.

2. Volibear

Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear

Volibear is a standout jungle choice due to his strong ganks, 1v1 capability, straightforward mechanics and tower dive potential. His passive grants attack speed, while his Q provides movement speed and stuns enemies. With a targeted W for damage and healing, an E for slowing enemies and shielding himself, and an ult that disables towers and deals damage, Volibear is extremely versatile.

In ganks, he can either engage with Q for a stun or save it for chasing down enemies after using E and W. In teamfights, he jumps onto the backline and slows down opponents with his ult. Volibear can clear the jungle quickly, duel effectively, and easily gank lanes, making him a solid pick throughout the game.

1. Briar


For Briar, her kit is pretty straightforward. You’ve got your W, which you can cancel with your E. You’ve got your armor shred and stun on your Q. W goes over walls, and you’ve got damage reduction, healing, life steal and bleed damage. Her cross-map ultimate, similar to Nocturne’s, allows you to apply pressure across different areas of the map. You can be diving, ganking, or invading and end up in the mid lane, bottom lane, or top lane just by pressing ultimate and hitting somebody.

Then off you go, fleeing everybody in the area, having enhanced berserk, your damage, and your heal on that W2. Of course, the percentage HP heal is incredible, an absolutely insane ability on that W. Skirmishing is insanely strong early without itemization. Simply snowball, get yourself your regular fighter items, and go lethality if you want to do that as well. Enemy teams will either die or never kill you – pick your poison. It’s easy; everyone knows what’s going to happen, and yet it happens.


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