Who we are

I discovered my passion for sharing my League of Legends knowledge after one of my Thresh guides received over 150,000 views on mobafire.com. With my successful journey from Silver to Diamond in just one season, I knew I had valuable knowledge to share with other players.
For Dead by Daylight, I was inspired by YouTube videos of players such as Otzdarva and TrU3Ta1ent, who thoroughly explain game builds and strategies. After achieving rank 1 in both survivor and killer, I also wanted to share my knowledge and help others get ahead in their Dead by Daylight gameplay.

Our vision

ChampBop takes a unique approach to champion/character guides. While many websites only focus on champion/character statistics and meta standings, we detail which builds work best for each champion and provide in-depth analysis. Our guides are designed to provide a detailed written format for those who prefer reading or want a quick reference. Drawing on personal solo queue experience, our goal is to help other players improve their gameplay by highlighting the most important points while providing clarity and context for improved comprehension.

“Love this build, thanks for the post! …”

— GulliblePurchase789

“very good commentary”

— xcysco