Best Junglers on Patch 14.8

Enter into the jungle and find the best picks for Patch 14.8! This guide focuses on the jungle’s most dominant solo queue champions, giving insights about their core builds, runes, and recommended bans that will help you improve your ladder climb. So here are the 3 Best Junglers on Patch 14.8.

3. Jarvan IV

Dragonslayer Jarvan IV

Jarvan has made a significant comeback in Patch 14.8, earning his place back on the S tier list for the first time this season. The buff to Jarvan’s percent health damage on his passive is a game-changer, enhancing his duelling strength and speeding up his jungle clear. As a strong early-game ganking jungler, Jarvan stands unmatched in his ability to apply pressure on the map.

Core Build: Sundered Sky, Spear of Shojin, Frozen Heart

As for the optimal build, Jarvan players typically rush Sundered Sky first, followed by Spear of Shojun and Frozen Heart. Beyond that, itemization becomes situational depending on the game state.


Jarvan Runes

For runes, Conqueror is the go-to keystone, synergizing well with Jarvan’s kit. Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup de Grace complement Conqueror nicely. For secondary runes, Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight offer additional utility and scaling for Jarvan throughout the game.

Recommended Ban: Janna

A good ban for the current meta if you intend on picking Jarvan is Janna, as she really nullifies a lot of Jarvan’s engage strength.

2. Diana

Firecracker Diana

In recent times, Diana has seen a surge in popularity thanks to the buffs she has received. This has helped her regain her position as one of the top-tier junglers in solo queue. If you choose to play Diana, you can expect to see positive results quickly, which makes her an excellent choice for those who want to have an immediate impact. Her primary strength lies in her consistent clearing speed and powerful AOE damage, which allows her to clear camps quickly and contest objectives effectively.

Core Build: Nashor’s Tooth, Lich Bane, Zhonya’s Hourglass

For Diana’s core build, Nashor’s Tooth into Lich Bane provides a very strong two-item spike, with Zhonya’s Hourglass offering consistency as a third pickup.


diana runes

Conqueror is the recommended keystone for Diana, synergizing well with her kit. Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup de Grace complement Conqueror’s strengths. Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight are optimal secondary choices, providing additional utility and scaling.

Recommended Ban: Viego

With Viego being so recognized in meta right now he’s one of the better ban options for Diana.

1. Viego

Dissonance of Pentakill Viego

One of the best pure solo carry junglers in Patch 14.8 is Viego. His priority has been rising consistently over several patches now. With recent nerfs to Briar and Volibear, Viego stands out even more. 

Core Build: Kraken Slayer, Trinity Force, Sundered Sky

Core Build 2: Kraken Slayer, Sundered Sky, Sundered Sky

There are two builds that stand out the most that you can adapt based on the game. Kraken Slayer is always the rush item. The second item can be Trinity Force or Sundered Sky, depending on the enemy team composition. If facing squishy opponents, Trinity Force works great; otherwise, opt for Sundered Sky. Sterak’s Gage is the third item if Sundered Sky is built second, while Sundered Sky becomes the third pick after Trinity Force. 


viego runes

The best rune page for Viego is Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup de Grace, followed by Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight for secondaries.

Recommended Ban: Lulu

Viego thrives on diving into fights and capitalizing on passive resets, so banning champions like Lulu, who set back his engagement potential, is a good idea.


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